When you use the program, you can select items in several ways. If you are using a mouse, simply point at the item and click your left mouse button. If you're using the keyboard, the current item will appear depressed. You can use the arrow keys to change which button is current. Once you have the proper button highlighted, the key or will make the selection. The screen is divided into four main areas: the picture on the left, the item list on the right, the text below it, and the family buttons at the top. All these items work together to present information and control your session. The item list shows items related to the picture. When you select an item, its text will appear in the text box. You may turn the text on and off with the "Close" button and the "Turn Text On" button on the bottom of the item list. You can also toggle this with the right mouse button, or the letter "T" on your keyboard. When you select an item, if it has a specific image associated with it, a line will be drawn to the item on the picture. If you are using a mouse, you can also click on items in the picture to select them. If there is a red dot next to the entry, you can select it a second time. This takes you to a new screen containing more information. This new screen will also have an item list that can take you to other screens. This lets you move from one topic to another, in any order you'd like. If at any point you'd like to go back to what you were viewing earlier, you can backtrack using the "Back Arrow" button on the right edge of the buttons.